12V Gel battery for deep cycle application Capacity(10hrs to 1.80vpc): 20-250Ah Design life:15yrs@25℃ 80%DOD≥650 times Application: Solar/ Wind power/ Deep cycle
2V Gel battery for deep cycle appalication Capacity(10hrs to 1.80vpc): 100-3000Ah Design life:20年@25℃ 80%DOD≥1300 times
12V Duribility Battery(Thickening Plates) Capacity(10hrs to 1.80vpc): 20-250Ah Design life:12yrs@25℃ Application:UPS,Communication,EPS,Switch
12V High-Rate Battery(Large Area Plates) Watts(15min to 1.67vpc): 60-820wpc Capacity(10hrs to 1.80vpc): 18-250Ah Design life:10yrs@25℃ Application:UPS,Switch Control, DC Panel
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